Saturday 19th and Monday 21st December 2020
@ 11am

Christmas Unstoppable is the theme for Our Children’s Christmas Programme for kids this year. Though many of us will experience a different type of Christmas this year, nothing can stop us celebrating – because our hope is still alive. Jesus has come! In him is our hope and joy and nothing can take that away.

That’s why for us, Christmas is unstoppable!

Arts and Crafts Instructions…

Christmas Biscuit Instructions

For biscuits

You will need: 100g of caster sugar, 100g of unsalted + extra for greasing, 175g of plain flour, 1 medium egg, cutters

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees celsius.
  2. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until the mixture is light and fluffy. You may want to use an electric mixer.
  3. Add egg and slowly beat in until mixture is combined.
  4. Using a sieve, add flour and mix until you form a dough.
  5. Dust worktop and roll dough until it’s as thick as cardboard (~1cm thick).
  6. Cut out dough using cutters. Any left over dough can be recombined and used again.
  7. Grease the baking tray with butter and place biscuit shapes on top.


  1. Place in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. 
  2. Once baked, remove the tray from the oven and allow the tray to cool. Move biscuits onto a wired rack.

For icing

You will need: 4oz of icing sugar, 1 tablespoon of warm water, a few drops your preferred food colouring (if desired), additional decorations if desired (e.g. sprinkles, silver balls)

  1. Sift icing sugar into a bowl and gradually add water to form a thick icing.
  2. Add food colouring.
  3. Use immediately before icing sugar sets and add any additional decorations.

Paper Angel Craft Activity

What you will need: Template, scissors double-sided tape or glue, ribbon/string, bead, paint/glitter for Decoration 

  1. Cut out the template along all solid lines. This includes around the head and down the slits. 
  2. If you would like to decorate the wing, this is the time to do it. But remember to do so on the reverse, that’s the side without the text as this will be the front of wings. I’ve slotted a scrap piece of paper over the head to not mess it up. 
  3. Make a cone shape with the paper and slot the two slits together. This should leave you with the round head popping up at the top and two wings.
  4. Secure the angel with tape.
  5. Thread a bead with ribbon/string and tie the string.
  6. Feed the string through your hole just behind the head of your paper angel. The bead should be held inside and should hold in place when you hang up the angel.

And there you have it.