3rd – 23rd January 20201

Dear Senior Pastor, Prayer Leaders and members

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Our Annual International 21 days and Corporate prayer and fasting will commence on Sunday, 3rd to Saturday, 23rd January 2021, theme: Our Eyes Are On You.

Scripture reference, “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You”,
2 Chronicles 20 v 12 (NIV).

The 21 days of prayer and fasting will culminate in our Annual Corporate Day of Prayer to be held virtually by Zoom on Saturday 23rd January 2021 due to the current restrictions as a result of the COVID situation.

Three, one hour joint regional prayer meetings between 7pm and 8pm are planned to take place on the third Wednesday in the month of January with the respective regional prayer coordinators leading as follows:
6th January – Regions one and two
13th January – Regions three and four
20th January – Regions five and six

The Corporate Day of Prayer on, Saturday 23rd will commence at 11am and conclude at 3pm. The above dates are consistent with those set by our International headquarters.

Joining details for the Wednesday evenings and Day of Prayer are:
Zoom: 290 812 1364
Phone: 0203 481 5237
Website: www.cogop.org.uk

Please also find the prayer points (below) along with the link details for the prayer directives from our headquarters which are to be added to prayer points relevant to your local church and communities needs.

We furthermore plan to run a 24 hour prayer watch throughout the 21 day period which will also be observant of the eight prayer watches.

Plans for this period include 21 days of prayer thoughts/words of encouragement provided via uploaded video recordings on to our Corporate website. Participants are to include members of the national prayer team, ministers and prayer leads from both within COGOP and external to the church as well as from our youth and children’s ministry.

We trust that we will have your support and prayers as we move forward to effect the above plans with the aim to see a significant move of God.

God bless you.

For Christ

Pastor Heather Aldridge: National Prayer Movement Director
Candiece Henry: Regional Prayer Movement Coordinator

Please see below the prayer points which go alongside the global directives via the link: http://cogopprays.org/


• Targeted intercession for all the leadership associated with the 21 days of fasting and prayer event.

• Special prayer for Bishop Tedroy, his family and ministry.

• Prayer for pastors, their families and others in leadership.

• Prayer for the participants in 21 prayer initiative/prayer day event, their families, marriages, finances, jobs, businesses and health. Pray a prayer shield over all playing a role/or have input in the prayer.

• Pray for revelation knowledge before, during and following this event concerning strongmen, strongholds and key prayer strategies to be employed- strategic prayer.

• Prayer for insight on how to pray accurately with ‘insight’.

• Prayer for the release of finances to the kingdom which will facilitate the spread of the gospel to all nations.

• Pray that all the churches will be spiritually capitalised / galvanised during this time – revival!

• Pray for great impartation to be released.

• Pray for a renewed hunger for prayer.

• Pray that the body of Christ will see ‘the harvest’ and actively pursue it.

• Pray for the unity of all Christian believers, to be united in heart and voice and unity in the church body as a family

• Pray for
– The homeless, and those being discriminated against because of their race, sexuality, age or disability.
– The communities in which our churches are located.

• Pray about:
– The unemployment situation for many and the economic crisis.
– Human Trafficking
– Crime and violence
– Refugees all over the world including the U.K.

• Pray that the use of technology during this season will greatly facilitate the spreading of the gospel and that persons with these giftings will be readily available in all local churches.

• Prayers for justice – Proverbs 31:8, 9.
In addition to the above, please include prayer points which are relevant to the needs of your local church.