We can trust God to be faithful

We live in a world full of uncertainty, but we can be sure to trust God because he knows and sees absolutely everything clearly!

Many people in the Bible fully trusted in God even when the position that they were in caused God’s word to look impossible to come true. God asked Noah to build an ark in the middle of a desert. God also promised Abraham that he would be the father of a huge nation, only he didn’t have any children and he and his wife Sarah were very, very old.

These people had one thing in common. They believed God would do just what he said. They had faith in God, who is faithful. Many others in the Bible did the same too. Check it out in Hebrews 11.

But what is Faith?
Faith is believing and trusting that God is faithful and will do just what he says he will do, no matter what!

Memory Verse

Take some time out and try hiding this special scripture in your heart by memorising it

‘The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.’
Psalm 145:13b

Activity Time

Faith is our shield!
A shield is held by a person in battle to protect the heart, and as Christian’s we carry the ‘shield of faith’, a wholehearted belief obedience to God’s Word ‘so that we can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one’, Satan.

By trusting in God’s promises in his Word, the Bible, we can stand strong in times of uncertainty with a shield of faith around us, protecting us from all things that are from Satan, e.g. fear, doubt, anxiety.

So that’s what we’re going to do! I hope that you are ready to get creative! Follow the instructions in building your ‘shield of faith’.

In the lesson pdf are a few promises of God found in the bible that
you can write on your shield to remind you that God is
surely faithful! Have fun!


  • To pray daily to God, your heavenly father
  • Read your Bible, God’s perfect and holy Word!

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